Drinking water can impact your overall health. It is not only helpful with losing weight, but it can also help your overall mood, energy level, keep your skin clear, think better and prevent disease.

Primo Water 7 tips for staying hydrated
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Tips for Staying Hydrated

In my ongoing efforts to stay healthy and lose weight, I made a New Years resolution this year to really focus on listening to my doctor and follow her best practices.

Time and time again I hear how important it is to drink your water. But what exactly does that mean? How much water should I be drinking every day? Is there a good way to track my water intake? How do I know if my tap water is safe to drink?

It was so perfect when I had the opportunity to partner with Primo Water. Having the Primo Water dispenser in my home has made getting my water in so much easier. I fill it up multiple times throughout the day; it is fast to fill, always cold, and tastes great.

primo water

I set a goal for myself to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day (64 ounces). The other day I thought I had my water routine down but wasn’t really tracking closely and boy did I notice a difference.

My eyes felt dry, my mouth was dry and I was always hungry. I guess my body got used to being properly hydrated and missed the h2o.

Did you know that 60% of your body is made up of water and 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated? Getting your water in doesn’t have to be hard, but it sure is important.

I was surprised to learn that bulk water users (those who use purified waters in home dispensers) drink 25% more water! This is why getting a Primo Water Dispenser is a must.

Primo Water working out

The amount of waste that is produced from plastic water bottles is just insane! I couldn’t believe when I heard that 1 million plastic bottles are purchased each minute and we can save 1,100 single serve water bottles by using 1 5-gallon bottle of Primo Water.

Primo Water filling out water intake calendar

Every day commit to drinking 8 glasses of water and mark them off as you drink them. Trust me, mark them off. If you are anything like me you will think that you will remember which glass you are on, but I promise you 3 glasses in and you will not be able to keep it straight!

Drink Primo Water Because Not all water is created equal

Primo Water goes through a multi-step purification process that includes reverse osmosis. This ensures that there are no harmful contaminants in your drinking water. This is a huge priority for me and my family! If you want to learn more, check out some great information here!

Tips for Staying Properly Hydrated

  1. Place your Primo Water System in a high traffic area in your house. You want to put it where you notice it and will be more likely to continually fill it up.
  2. Invest in a good reusable water bottle. Make sure it fits in your car cup holder so you can easily take it on the go. Personally, I love one with a straw, for some reason, it makes it easier for me to drink out of!
  3. Drink your first glass as soon as you wake up. It immediately helps rehydrate your body and fires up your metabolism.
  4. Skip the soda with meals – Who needs the extra sugar and artificial sweeteners when you can enjoy a nice refreshing glass of water.
  5. Track your water intake (use Primo’s great free printable here)
  6. As soon as you drain your water bottle or glass, fill it right back up! Your Primo Water station should be in that high traffic area, so you won’t forget.
  7. Set water drinking goals throughout the day (i.e. by noon I will be 5 glasses in!)
Primo Water filling glass

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  1. I wish my gym would have a water dispenser like that. I’m sending your link to the owner. I always need to drink more water.