Full disclosure…. I don’t really cook, I assemble. My middle son came home from camp raving about the camp food. Now if you have ever been to camp or know anyone who has ever been to camp you will understand what an insult this really is!!
As many of you, we have a pretty hectic life. There are few nights that we aren’t rushing to soccer or tennis or tutor or some other type of activity. On the few days that we are together we like to sit down and eat as a family (well, me and my husband do, the boys typically complain.) My kids are not the easiest to please…..this one doesn’t like this, this one doesn’t like that. I have found a few go-to recipes that meet three criteria … 1. Four out of five family members will eat it. 2. Has fewer than 10 ingredients (and these must be items that I would normally keep in the house) 3. Takes fewer than 20 min (not including baking time) and involves not much more than mixing.
Pop-Over Pizza

Taco Bake
Zesty Slow Cooked BBQ Chicken

I would love recipes for crock pot for a month or more. Grocery list n
I am cracking up! I love how you said you assemble! Girlfriend, I feel your struggle! It truly is like that most nights!! Thank you so much for giving a shout out to one of mine!
I appreciate the recipes but disagree with your statement about camp food. I volunteered and then worked at a camp for almost 7 years and the food was delicious. We had amazing recipes along with amazing cooks. When I think of a good, home cooked meal, I often think of camp food!