My son came home from school the other day with a note from his teacher saying that they were getting ready for Valentine’s Day and each child should make their own Valentine’s Mailbox for collecting their Valentine’s Day treats.
Now, I could do my usual and go to Target or Michaels and buy the “kit” – but OH NO….. I am not that Mom any more! I am Martha Stewart on steroids lately. This blog has inspired me to tap into my creativity! Now, the biggest problem here is this has inspired ME to tap into MY creativity. One small issue with my “creative inspiration” is that there is one thing I left out – MY SON. I worked on this project this afternoon…. while he was at school. Do I feel kind of bad about that…. yes, kinda – but in all honesty – I kinda had fun doing it! Feel free to judge – I am being “that” mom – but I am comfortable with it, so judge away (just don’t leave me mean comments at the end of my post…. that makes me a little sad – thanks!)
DIY Valentine’s Mailbox
Start out with a shoe box. Cut a hole for the mouth.

Cover the top and bottom with tin foil (shiny side up).

Add decoration – I used cardboard for the teeth and attached them on the inside of the box top. Have fun, get creative!

Are you looking for some non-candy treats to give out this year in your child’s classroom? Check out some of these great ideas in my post Non-Candy Classroom Gifts! I also have some other great Valentine’s Day recipes and crafts – Take a look!